Eligibility & Requirement

Eligibility is granted once a Bachelor of Journalism student achieves third year standing (BJ3’s and BJ4’s).  To comply with employment standards related to unpaid work, we recommend paid employment for students eager to gain practical experience prior to third year.

Only MJ1 students may participate in unpaid placements during the summer, and then, only between their first and second year of the program.

Students who have obtained third- or fourth-year standing in the Bachelor of Journalism Program (BJ3, BJ4) or those enrolled in the Master of Journalism Program (MJ1, MJ2) 10-credit program may participate in unpaid placements to meet mandatory apprenticeship/internship requirements for their degree.  Advanced standing Master of Journalism Students might also be eligible.  Participation in an unpaid apprenticeship/internship must comply with employment standards legislation in the province offering said opportunity.  These placements must be arranged in consultation with the Apprenticeships Program Supervisor and adhere to officially authorized timeframes determined by the Journalism Program.